Tag Archives: Dutra D4K

Armada Hobby – Dutra D4K

This is one cool looking tractor- so when Armada Hobby came out with it, I obviously wanted to build it. It does have a certain Warhammer 40K feel to it.

The model is pretty good. It comes with PE, which is nice, the build is reasonably straightforward -although the instructions are not always clear on what goes where. (The parts are not actually numbered on the pouring block, so that is also an extra challenge…)

There are no clear parts included, there is no decal provided for the Dutra sign on the side (and it is not molded onto the surface), and the steering wheel is somewhat smaller than it should be. But these are small gripes; in this scale the model looks very good. (Not to mention you do not have any alternatives.)

Looking at the photos, I will need to do some refinement, but I quite like the results. (To be refined: the edges of window frames need to be smoothed out -did not see that with naked eye-, the grass needs to have some more hues added -brownish, yellowish-, and the gap between the mudguard and the cabin needs to disappear… The results of late-night modelling, I guess. (The gap is not really visible only under the strong LED light I used to take photos… Beh.)