Trumpeter BTM-3 High Speed Trench Digger

Well, it is not as if I do not have anything else to finish, but I wanted to get started on something. Anything, really. The interior kits require a lot of thinking while building, so I chose this one.

Little did I know. This kit also requires some planning…

Anyhow, in about a week, working a few hours in the evenings, I got somewhere where the vehicle is actually recognizable.

By the way I saw this vehicle first in Kecel, in the collection of an excentric (and corrupt I might say) billionaire, and it was also featured in the T-72 Balkans on Fire T-72 simulator, which I like, but which is also impossible to actually play. (Hidden AT guns knock you out like nobody’s business, and I could not find a way to counter them.)

Vehicle at 6:25 mins

There is an incredible-looking Voyager update set for this vehicle, but I am not crazy enough to do it. Not to mention it would be a shame to paint it after… The chains on the digging buckets are something to consider, though.

Overall the fit is OK, though the chain and framework is somewhat wobbly. It should be assembled as an unit in one step.

I finished the interior using hairy sticks because I have not yet brought out the airbrush. (Before the surgery I was in the middle of the repainting of the living room…) I will do some weathering, and then continue with the exterior.

By the way the decals for the cab are stiff; not very good, especially because they were designed to go over knobs and whatnot, and they just do not conform to the varied topology. So if you are about to apply them to the driving compartment, make sure you cut them up, and apply them in small sections.

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